вставить слова на тему как я провел каникулы 4 класс

i like spending my holidays in ... near....

i usually go with....

i like spending holidays in...because...

i like....i can.....i....because....

last summer i...... we.....

it was fantastic when we.....(first i..... then i..... after that....

next holidays i think i..... i hope i......


Ответ дал: аннюша99

I like spending my holidays in the village  near the river.

I usually go there with my parents.

I like spending holidays in the village because I have a lot of friends there.

I like to play with them. I can swim in the river   because it is very funny.

last summer i was there. We SPENT 3 months there.

it was fantastic. next holidays i think i will be there too. i hope i will be fine.

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