Unscramble the questions and answer them.
1 you / got / Have / a brother?
Have you got a brother?
2 is / colour / your / What / favourite?
3 two / pets / got / you / Have?
4 eyes / you / blue / Have / got?
5 your / blond / hair / Is?
6 a lot of / friends / you / got / Have?
7 name / is / What / your?
8 English / Are / good at / you / speaking?


Ответ дал: Werrina
2 What colour is your favourite? My favourite colour is… (green)
3 Have you got two pets? No, I haven't.
4 Have you got blue eyes? Yes, I have ИЛИ No, I haven't
5 Is your hair blond? Yes, it is / No, it isn't
6 Have you got a lot of friends? Yes, I have / No, I haven't
7 What is your name? My name is…
8 Are you good at speaking English? No, I am not. / Yes, I am

Ответ дал: ispanec02
2.What is your favorite cookout?
3.Have you got two parents?
4.Have you got two parents
5.Is your hair blond
6.Have you got a lot of friends
7.What is your name
8.Are you got at English speaking ?

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