Помогите пожалуйста!!! Раскрыть скобки, употребляя глаголы в нужном времени (Все дествия совершались в прошлом) When David was at school, he( to be) very close friend with Peter. They ( to be) at shool together for about nine years. Then Davids parents ( to move) to Paris. Although they ( to write) very often to each other, David and Peter gradually ( to drift) apart. Many years late Peter ( to get) married. As he and his wife ( to save) up some money, they ( to decide) to spend their honeymoon in italy. While they ( to tour) the country, they ( to decide) to stop at a small hotel. One day Peter ( to descover) that his old friend David ( to be) in the next room. David also ( to get) married and he and his wife9 to spend0 their honeymoon in Italy at that time, too.


Ответ дал: Aniss

1)was 2)were 3) moved 4)wrote 5)had drifted 6)got 7)saved,decided 8)toured,decided 9)discovered,was 10)got

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