Помогите, нужно поставить глаголы в правильную форму и объяснить почему. 
I..(start) at the local 6th form collede last September ( как я понимаю, Past Simple? ) , and i ... (study) for my A` levels at the moment ( Present Cont.?) .
I .. ( become ) a lawyer when i grow up, so i`ll have to work hard and pass all my exams to get into a good university. 
For example, while i ... ( walk) him in the park yesterday, he...(run) off and it .. (take) me an hour and half to find him again. 


Ответ дал: zaxarov5677
1.Past simple.2. Present continuous .3. Future simple( I 'll become ( я стану адвокатом, когда я вырасту( говорится о будущем времени)))4. Past continuous ( пока я гуляла с ним вчера в парке, ... ( while и yesterday )) 5. ..., he run ( past simple) and it took ( past simple )
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