Перепишите  предложения раскрыв скобки и употребив глагол в придаточных предложениях времени и условия в соответствующей форме.
1. When the fog (lift) we'll be able to see where we are.
2. When everybody (leave) the park the park-keeper will lock the gates.
3. If she (not/pass) this exam she won't get the job that she wants.
4. If you (not/like) this one I''ll bring you another.


Ответ дал: Polichka2014
1. When the fog lifts we'll be able to see where we are.
2. When everybody leaves the park the park-keeper will lock the gates.
3. If she doesn’t pass this exam she won't get the job that she wants.
4. If you don’t like this one I’ll bring you another.
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