1) they              lunch at the moment . you shouldn t disturd them (have)
2) the watch              to my grandmother (belong )
3)this medicine                   a new substance (contain )
4) these days we                        testy at school (always have)
5)this cake            strange . what s in it ? (smell)
6)hi jake .  -what            at the moment ?- l                 the sunshine at the beach (you do . enjoy)


Ответ дал: linkaxolodok
1) are having
4)always had
6)what are you doing at the moment?
I enjoy the sunshine...
Ответ дал: Polichka2014
1) They are having lunch at the moment. You shouldn’t t disturb them.
2) The watch belongs to my grandmother.
3) This medicine contains a new substance.
4) These days we always have testy at school
5) this cake smells strange. What is in it?
6) You are joking. –What are you doing at the moment? - l enjoy the sunshine at the beach.
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