надо написать предложение в Past Simple 5 вопростельных и отрецательных например "Я ИДУ В ШКОЛУ;; Я НЕ ИДУ В ШКОЛУ"


Ответ дал: аннюша99

1.I read an interesting book yesterday- I did not  read an interesting book yesterday- Did he read an interesting book yesterday?

2. He was in England last year- He was  not in England last year-Was he in England last year?

3. They went to the museum 2 weeks ago.-They didn*t go to the museum 2 weeks ago- Did they go to the museum 2 weeks ago?

4. He painted a nice landscape last summer- He didn*t paint a nice landscape last summer- Did he  paint a nice landscape last summer?

5. We wrote a composition 5 days ago.- We didn*t write a composition 5 days ago- Did we write a composition 5 days ago?When did we write a composition ?



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