Уже завтра сдать надо!! Помогите пж!!!
A Jane? Hi, it's
Martin here. I (1)    _______________________ (finish)
some homework that I've got to do, so I won't be able to come out tonight.

B Pardon? My sister (2)   _______________(make) a lot of noise and I
didn't hear you.

A I said I (3)   ______________________(do) an English
composition. I can't come out tonight.

B But you (4)   _________________________      (never/study) on a Friday night.

A Yes, but with the
exam and everything, we (5)   __________get)
more and more homework. I told you that.

What's that noise?

A Oh, that. That's my brother. He (6)       _______________(play) computer games.

B Martin, I (7)      ______________________ (not/believe) you. You've gone round to
Alan's house and you (8) _____________________________(not/want) to tell me.

A No, Jane, that's
not true.

B You (9)    _____________________________(lie). You

(always/tell) lies these days.
I'm not stupid, you know. A Jane, I've got to go. I'll never get this work
finished. See you tomorrow maybe?


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