Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в нужном лице и числе.
1. The Volga and the Neva (to be) famous rivers. 2. Mother often (to tell) children stories before bedtime. 3. Our children (to go) to school in the morning. 4. My little brother (to collect) postcards and stamps. 5. I (to like) white coffee and my father (to prefer) his black. 6. Anything that he (to say) (to be) very interesting. 7. Our friends (to live) in a house that (to stand) on a hill. 8. Every year we (to spend) our holidays in the country. 9. What this sentence (to mean)? 10. I (to live) in Kirov which (to be) my native city. 11. Tom (to study) very well. 12. My sister (to have) a good appetite and she always (to eat) heartily. 13. Open the window. The room (to be) terribly stuffy. 14. What you (to see) over there? 15. In England the traffic (to keep) to the left but on the Continent it (to keep) to the right. 16. Nick (to be) one of the cleverest boys we (to have) in our group. 17. I often (to come) to see my old aunt. 18. It (to take) me two hours to do my homework.


Ответ дал: ValeriNemna
1.are .
5.like  praters.
15.keeps is keeping
16. is have
17. come
18. is taking

vtyurin96: можно еще с 15 предложения ответы))
ValeriNemna: 15.keeps is keeping
ValeriNemna: Сейчас дальше
ValeriNemna: 16. is have 17. come 18. is taking .
vtyurin96: спасибо большое))
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