Письмо другу на английском языке.15-30 предложений.Имя Вадим.
В конце напишите "Мой емайл",а дальше я сам заполню.


Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка
Dear Steve,
I was very glad to hear from you again. I haven't written for ages because of my school activities.
In your letter you ask me to tell you about my favorite kind of sports. With a pleasure.
 I like sport. It plays a great role in my activities. Most of all I like to play basketball. I am a very good player and often take part in different sport competitions. Sometimes we win them but sometimes we lose. Basketball is a  team game. It is played in any season because you play this game is indoors game. But sometimes you can see streetball - basketball in an open air. Many people keen in sport because it makes us healthy and help us to be fit.  During you play any sport game you are active and it helps you to burn many calories. Basketball is an active game. It makes people be strong, healthy and energetic. 
And what about you? Tell me about your favorite kind of sports.
That's all for me for today. I have to go to the swimming pool.
Best regards to your family.
Write soon.
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