


Ответ дал: Werrina
Нужно было написать правдивые предложения. Я написала по 3. А уж какое для Вас правдивое – выбирайте сами )))

History is as interesting as geography.
History is not as interesting as geography.
History is more interesting than geography.

My school has as many students as my friend's school has. My school doesn't have as many students as my friend's school has.
My school has much more students than my friend's school has.

Classical music is as exciting as rap.
Classical music is not as exciting as rap.
Classical music is more exciting than rap.

Skating is as difficult as swimming.
Skating is not as difficult as swimming.
Skating is more difficult than swimming.

My town has as many people as the capital city.
My town doesn't have as many people as the capital city.
My town has less people than the capital city.
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