III. Вставьте соответствующие союзы: because( так как), thanks to the fact that (благодаря тому факту,
что) , so( таким
образом), that’s why( поэтому)

1.      The seasons are the other way round
in Australia …the continent is south of the Equator.

2.      Most of the continent is sunny most
of the year. …Australians suffer one of the world’s highest rates of skin

3.      Severe droughts, floods and cyclones
happen very often on the continent. …, life is not easy in Australia.

4.      …the climate is ideal, about 44% of
the population spend time gardening.



Ответ дал: mellow2014
1. because
2. that is why
3. so
4. thanks to the fact that
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