раскройте скобки
-I usually do not have breakfast before I___(go) to work.
-When the doorbell__(ring) he__(stand)up and___(go) to the door.
-Are you the boy whose dog was barking all night long?-I am sorry,but you___(be) mistaken,sir.I never___(have)a dog,
-If it__(not to stop)raining we won't be able to go boating tomorrow.


Ответ дал: Espresso
-I usually do not have breakfast before I  GO to work.
-When the doorbell_RANG, he_ STOOD UP and_WENT to the door.
-Are you the boy whose dog was barking all night long?-I am sorry,but you_ARE mistaken,sir.I HAVE NEVER HAD a dog,
-If it  DOESN'T STOP raining we won't be able to go boating tomorrow.
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