Раскройте скобки употребляя Present Past или Future Simple 
1)Hi...(prefer) to read a book 
2)I...(go) to the cinema last night 
3I...(buy) a new car two weeks ago 
4)Joanee...(work) eight hours a day 
5)My wife...(prefer) coffe for breakfast 
6)When Peter... (be) young he lived in a small flat 
7)My train... (leave) at 14.30 from platform 1
8)She...(put on) her coat,...(take) her bag and..... (leave) the house 
9)I....(use) the Internet every day 
10)I....always (use) my mobile phone 
11)I .... (live) in America for one year 
12)He usually ....(walk) with his dog at 9 pm 
13)Peter ....(play) football yesterday 
14)She .....(speak) English very fast 
15)I ...(wake up),......(wash)my face, and ......(brush) my teeth.


Ответ дал: Mcfisher
1 prefers
2 went
3 bought
4 works
5 prefers
6 was
7 leaves
8 put on, took, left
9 use
10 I always use
11 lived
12 walks
13 played
14 speaks
15 wake up, wash, brush.
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