Match 1-6 with a-f and make six dialogues.
1. joe works as a waiter at the George Hotel. 
2. You aren't listening to me!
3. Petes got a new guitar. 
4. It's Karen's birthday today. 
5. I haven't got time to finish this. 
6. He isn't a very good singer.
a. No, he hasn't!
b. Yes, he is!
c. No, it isn't! 
d. yes, I am!
e. No, he doesn't! 
f. Yes, you have!


Ответ дал: Werrina
1. joe works as a waiter at the George Hotel. - e. No, he doesn't!
2. You aren't listening to me! - d. yes, I am!
3. Petes has got a new guitar. - a. No, he hasn't!
4. It's Karen's birthday today. - c. No, it isn't!
5. I haven't got time to finish this. - f. Yes, you have!
6. He isn't a very good singer. - b. Yes, he is!

Ответ дал: utyuk
1-e. 2-d. 3-a 4-c. 5-f 6-b
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