Use the right tense form of the verb.
1. A: …. (you\know) if there’s a problem between Kate and Kelly?

B: No, but I …… (think) of asking Mary about it.
2. A: I …… (not\call) Helen for ages. I wonder how she is.

B: Well, I know she ….. (stay) in town this week, so maybe you two can meet while she’s here.
3. A: What …… (do)? Your face is all red and you look really upset!

B: I ……(just\have) another fight with Tom because he used my laptop without asking me again.
4. A: Adam … (always\want) to be part of a large family.

B: What …..(you\talk) about? I know for a fact that he loved being an only child.
5. A: Don’t you think that Patty …… (get) to be more and more of a busybody these days?

B: Yes, I do. Someone ….. (need) to tell her to stop interfering in things that aren’t her concern!


Ответ дал: galina572319
1. A: Do you know if there’s a problem between Kate and Kelly?
B: No, but I think of asking Mary about it.

2. A: I haven't called Helen for ages. I wonder how she is.
B: Well, I know she has stayed in town this week, so maybe you two can meet while she’s here.

3. A: What have you done? Your face is all red and you look really upset!
B: I have just had another fight with Tom because he used my laptop without asking me again.

4. A: Adam has always wanted to be part of a large family.
B: What are you talking about? I know for a fact that he loved being an only child.

5. A: Don’t you think that Patty is getting to be more and more of a  busybody these days?
B: Yes, I do. Someone need(s) to tell her to stop interfering in things that aren’t her concern
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