Помогите!!!! 1)Pupils usually a) works b) work c) are working hard at the lessons. 2) John a) sit b) is sitting c) sits at his desk now. 3) The Arts and Crafts Club a) meets b) meet c) is meeting twice a week. 4) They always a) has lunch b) are having lunch c) have lunch in the school canteen. 5) Kim and Jane a) is studying b) study c) are studying grammar rules at the moment. 6) Steve a) attend b ) is attending c) attends the Football Club four times a week.


Ответ дал: Indigo13

1)Pupils usually work hard at the lessons. 2) John is sitting at his desk now. 3) The Arts and Crafts Club meet twice a week. 4) They always have lunch in the school canteen. 5) Kim and Jane  are studying grammar rules at the moment. 6) Steve attends the Football Club four times a week.

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