Перепишите предложения, используя пример 

1 I Like to swim best of all.
2 I like to play the guitar.
3 They like to grow exotic flowers 
4 I like to take pxotos of my family
5 He likes to play chess with my dad
6 I like to draw funny piktures 
7 She likes to dance best of all.

facelessimp02: a какой пример?


Ответ дал: Toulouse
какой пример?  Вы не написали.        

RNHG: Пример: I like to travel a lot.-I like travelling a lot.
Ответ дал: facelessimp02
I like swimming best of all.
I like playing the guitar.
They like growing exotic flowers.
I like taking photos of my family.
He likes playing chess with my dad.
I like drawing funny pictures.
She likes dancing best of all.

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