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Задание:Finish the sentences

Example - Charlie Chaplin is famous for his films... - Charlie Chaplin is famous for his films, isn't he?

1) Agatha Cristie is famous forher detective stories,...?
2) Londoners are proud of their parks,...?
3) The pipils were in the museum yesterday,...?
4) I haven't been to buckingham palace,...?
5) The writer didn't publish this this novel,...?
6) You can take part in the game,...?
7) The poet will read his poems in the evening,...?


Ответ дал: Werrina
1) Agatha Cristie is famous forher detective stories, isn't she?
2) Londoners are proud of their parks, aren't they?
3) The pupils were in the museum yesterday, weren't they?
4) I haven't been to buckingham palace, have I?
5) The writer didn't publish this this novel, did he?
6) You can take part in the game, can't you?
7) The poet will read his poems in the evening, won't he?

agasafsa: спасибо за полное написание предложений)
Werrina: Не за что ))
Ответ дал: bizon40
1 isn't she
2 aren't they
3 weren't they
4 have I
5 did he
6 can't you
7 won't he

agasafsa: спасибо за дополнения к предложениям
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