when(be) the last time you (tidy) your room
They were (go) to Malta last month
Yesterday we (cut) the grass then we (wash) the car
When we (go) to Europe last year we were (drive) through France and Italy
They  (not play) my favourite song at the concert yesterday
 The last time I (have) a haircut was two weeks ago
My sister (make) a beautiful cake yesterday and I  (cook) dinner
Sally (not visit) her grandparents last Christmas, so she (write)them a letter
Yesterday we (take) the camera with us, but we were not took any pictures
I  (play) tenis yesterday, but I  (not) win


Ответ дал: Mcfisher
I When was the last time you  tidied your room?
Yesterday we cut the grass then we washed the car
When we went to Europe last year we were driving through France and Italy
They did not play my favourite song at the concert yesterday
The last time I had a haircut was two weeks ago
My sister made a beautiful cake yesterday and I cooked dinner
Sally did not visit her grandparents last Christmas, so she wrote them a letter
Yesterday we  took the camera with us, but we did not took any pictures
I played tennis yesterday, but I did not win
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