Помогите пожалуйста!!!! Срочно при срочно!!!!!!!!
задание:вставьте has,hasn't, have, haven't.
 1.  .....they got a computer?
   Yes, they ......
 2.  ...... he got a sister?
     No, he ........
 3.  ....... Tom got a pen in his school bag?
      Yes, he ..........
 4.  ........ you got a computer?
     No, I .........


Ответ дал: Katrinochka
1. Have they got a computer? 
Yes, they have.
2.Has he got a sister?
No, he hasn t.
3.Has Tom got a pen in his school bag?
Yes, he has.
4.Have you got a computer?
No, I haven t.
Has ставится, когда есть местоимения он, она, оно.
Have (я, они, и др.)
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