Помогите сделать пригласительное на английском языке .например :о день рождение или приглашение на свадьбу ,мероприятия или еще чего-то.желателно чтоб было не много ,но подробно .даю. 30балов


Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка
Dear Max!
 I am arranging a birthday party for a group of my friends, which will be held on 26, June at 7 PM. You may bring your girlfriend, too.
You know my address, so you need go pass my house and behind it you'll find the place, decorated with flowers and balloons. 
The programme will very interesting and rich, including barbeque, karaoke and dance. 
It will be fun. Bring your favourite musical disks, please! 
I look forward to welcoming you. 

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