Fill in with many,much,little,few,a lot of.       1.They don't know         languages.       2.We have                    time and can help you.       3.I am glad I made                mistakes in my test paper.          4 I can't buy these books as I have               money.         5 My father visited                 countries


Ответ дал: Mcfisher
1 They don't know many languages
2 We have much time and can help you 
3 I am glad I made few mistakes in my test paper
4 I can't buy these books as I have little money
5 My father visited a lot of countries.

Аноним: You help my please
Аноним: Fill in with the right form of the adjectibves
Аноним: large beautiful hot long hard-working
Mcfisher: beautiful large long hot hard-working
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