Complete the sentences with the right forms of the verbs: tell, talk, say, speak.
1)Tom is very clever, he ... two foreign languages. 2) Ann ... she is good at geography. 3)Will you ... me the truth? Where were you in the morning? 4)Girls, you mustn't ... much in class. 5)She never ... us anything.6) I want to ... something about this writer. 7) They were .. and laughing when the teacher came into the classroom. 8) Who is going to ... at the meeting? 9) You are ... a lie! I wasn't there at five. 10) Ask your parents to come to school tomorrow to ... to your form teacher.


Ответ дал: Mcfisher
1 speaks
2 says
3 tell
4 talk
5 tells
6 say
7 talking
8 speak
9 telling
10 speak

inarminov: спасибо
Mcfisher: нез
Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка
1/ speaks
2/ says
3/ tell
4/ talk
5/ tells
6/ say
7/ talking
8/ speak
9/ telling
10/ speak

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