в мест многоточия вставить глагол *to be* в настоящем неопределённом(простом) времени
1. I .... a student.I ... at home.
2.Sundey ... my day off.
3.Diamonds ... not cheap.
4."Where ... the children?"- "I don't know"
5. my friends .... 40 years old
6. You ... welcome.
7.What country ... she from?


Ответ дал: annaiD
1. I am  a student.I am  at home.
2.Sundey is.. my day off.
3.Diamonds is not cheap.
4."Where is the children?"- "I don't know"
5. my friends is 40 years old
6. You are welcome.
7.What country is she from?
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