Там надо сделать в косвенной речи и где слова в скобках нужно поставить в начале предложения поставлю как лучший!!!!!!!



Ответ дал: Werrina
1) She thought that the children were playing in the yard.
2) She hoped that her friend would come to see her.
3) He thought that father had repaired his bicycle.
4) I supposed that she knew English very well.
5) We were sure that our sportsmen would win the game.
6) She was glad that she had made no mistakes in her dictation.
7) I knew that he worked at his English hard.
8) I was told that she danced better than anybody else.
9) I learnt that my cousin had received a very interesting offer from his …(
непонятно слово).
10) My aunt wrote in her letter that she would stay with us. (will to stay
неправильно написано. Что-то пропущено!!! Может быть will come to stay? Тогда предложение будет:.....she would come to stay with us)
11) We heard that he was painting a new picture.
12) We were sure that his new picture would be a masterpiece.
13) I was afraid that you would fall and break your leg.
14) I knew that my friends had never been to Washington.
15) I was told that she never drank milk.
16) We were told that he was a very talented singer.
17) We knew that they lived a happy life.
18) I found out that he didn't know German at all.

Аноним: Film Написано спасибо
ghgfdhfghgf: http://znanija.com/task/7868547 помогите
Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка
1/ She thought that the children were playing in the yard.
2/ She hoped that her friend would come to see her.
3/ He thought that father had repaired his bicycle.
4/ I supposed that she knew English very well.
5/ We were sure that our sportsmen would win the game.
6/ She was glad that she had made no mistakes in her dictation.
7/ I knew that he worked at his English hard.
8/ I was told that she danced better than anybody else.
9/ I learnt that my cousin had received a very interesting offer from his firm
10/ My aunt wrote in her letter that she would come to stay with us. 

11/ We heard that he was painting a new picture.
12/ We were sure that his new picture would be a masterpiece.
13/ I was afraid that you would fall and break your leg.
14/ I knew that my friends had never been to Washington.
15/ I was told that she had never drunk milk.
16/ We were told that he was a very talented singer.
17/ We knew that they lived a happy life.
18/ I found out that he didn't know German at all.
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