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Complete the following text using the verbs in blackets in the correct form (Present, Past, Future Simple).
I really (hate) mobile phone. They (be) really annoying. Yesterday I (be) on the train and I (listen( to dozens of other people is conversations. The ring-tone (get) on my nerves. Both of my brothers (have) mobiles, but when we (meet up), they never (switch off) their phones, which (drive) me crazy. Last time when we (go out) for a meal together; their phones (ring) five times!!!  I (know) I can not stop other people having them, but I don't think I (get) one.


Ответ дал: nlubnina7
1.    Hate 2.    Are 3.    Was 4.    Listened 5.    Got 6.    Have 7.    Meet up 8.    Switch off 9.    Drives 10.  Went out 11.  Rang 12.  Know 13.  Will get
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