напишите  пожалуйста  маленький  рассказ  про  hot-air  balloon  на  английском  языке  и  с  переводом  на  русский  язык  )Очень  срочно  надо!!!!!!!!!!


Ответ дал: DolmatovN
Once mom bought me a balloon. He was such a beautiful red with yellow pyatnyshkami this day Irka called me on the street, I chotila the ball and ran to play! We ran and jumped,but allow the ball slipped out of my hands and flew away. I wanted to grab him ,but naprosto. And the ball pletely with Ira stood and looked him in the trail. He farther and farther flew away and I was so sad that I started crying and ran Tomoya cutout grew up and also walked on the street,when suddenly you see that flying something round. It all priblizhalas is approached and finally UPLOA thought it was a miracle,but it was my ball!!!!! I grabbed it and ran domain was in the journey 4 years and came back to me!!!!
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