Put the words in brackets in the correct form:
1. If you (listen) to me, you (make) the right decision.
2. What (go) on? Our neighbours’ children (play) in the yard.
3. This month I (get) up very early. - What you (do)? - I’m (go) to the swimming pool before school.
4. She always (interrupt) me. I don’t like it.
5. We (have) to join this huge queue if we (not hurry).
6. I (lend) some money to you if you (forget) your PIN code.


Ответ дал: nekit16062001
listening made went played got did went interrupted had
Ответ дал: Mcfisher
1. If you had listened to me, you would have made the right decision.
2. What is going on? Our neighbours’ children are playing in the yard.
3. This month I have got up very early. - What are you doing? - I’m going to the swimming pool before school.
4. She always interrupts me. I don’t like it.
5. We would have to join this huge queue if we didn't hurry..
6. I would lend some money to you if you didn't forget your PIN code.
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