a) Choose the correct item.
1. It … snow in summer.
a) don’t b) doesn’t c) isn’t
2. … Dad … any brothers or sisters?
a) Have … got b) Does … have c) Does … has
3. I go …school … bus.
a) to, by b) into, at c) into, to
4. She goes to work … foot.
a) by b) on c) in
5. It … yesterday, but today it is sunny.
a) rains b) rain c) rained
6. A giraffe is … than a kangaroo.

a) more tall b) taller c) the tallest
7. They … late for school yesterday.
a) are b) were c) was
8. Nothing dangerous … tomorrow.
a) to happen b) happens c) will happen
9. Did Ben … Russia last summer?
a) visited b) visit c) visits
10. He often … the guitar because he is fond of music.
a) plays b) played c) will play


Ответ дал: Mcfisher
1 b
2 b
3 a
4 b
5 c
6 b
7 b
8 c
9 b
10 a
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