вставте существительные во множественном числе:
1.I met six pretty ...(woman)
2.Our ... (mouse) are very nice.
3.I know tall ... (man)
4.I saw three ... (tree)
5.My ... (foot) hurt.
6.We saw ... (sheep) in the field.
7.Her ... (child) are very clever.
8.I like ... (fruit).
9.We saw seven ... (goose) in the street.
10My uncle has many ... (ox)


Ответ дал: Wafler
1 women 2 mice 3 men 4 trees 5 feet 6 sheep 7 children 8 fruit 9 gooses 10 oxes
Ответ дал: aleksvf
1.I met six pretty women
2.It is very nice mouse.
3.I know tall people
4.I saw three tree
5.moi legs hurt.
6.We saw the sheep in the field.
7.ego child is very smart.
8.I, as a fruit.
9.We saw seven Geese on the street.
10.u my uncle many bulls

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