Даю 50 баллов, очень нужно !

Fill in some, something or somebody.
1. They could buy ... interesting/
2. He told ... about it.
3. We have ... interesting to tell him.
4. There is ... food at home.
5. There is ... nice in the box.
6. We have got ... interesting for his collection.
7. There was ... behing the door.
8. I saw ... in the garage.
9. She is teaching ... how to swim.
10. He found ... interesting.


Ответ дал: Werrina
1. They could buy something interesting.
2. He told somebody about it.
3. We have something interesting to tell him.
4. There is some food at home.

5. There is something nice in the box.
6. We have got something interesting for his collection.
7. There was somebody behind the door.
8. I saw somebody in the garage.
9. She is teaching somebody how to swim.
10. He found something interesting.

blinova2000: Спасибо большое тебе, я очень благодарна :3
Werrina: Не за что ) В 4 something или somebody нельзя поставить!
blinova2000: Прости, а поможешь еще ?)
Werrina: Какое задание?
blinova2000: http://znanija.com/task/7938758
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