Переделать глаголы в скобках используя Past Simple, Past Continuous and Past Perfect.
1 In 1965 my parents _____ (move) into what _____ (be) a storage space before. This was their first home.
2 I was very nervous because I ______ (not give) a speech to a big audience before.
3 I'm sory I couldn't talk when you called yesterday. I _____ (have) a big argument with my sister.
4 For the first time we were not late. The performance _____ (begin) when we arrived at the opera.
5 Tom des=cided to break up with Lucy because she ______ (let) him down many times.
6 We didn't have much time to talk. He came in just as I _____ (leave).
7 I _____ (not know) anything about Greek cuisine until I wentto Athens last year.


Ответ дал: yupyup
moved .had been
hadn't given
was having
had let
hadn't known
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