Put the verbs in brackets into the past simpl or the present perfect.
A;Hi Jenny.i 1).....(not/see)you for ages!
B;Hi Alice!i know.i 2).......(be) really busy lately.How are you?
A;Im great.it3)....(be) my birthday last week.
B;Oh no.i 4)....(forget) to call you,im so sorry.
A;Thats OK.
B;Did you do anything special?
A;Yes.I 5)....(go) to the cinema with friends and my parents 6).....(give) me an amazing new phone.
B;Really,can i see it?
A:Yeah,here it is.its the best phone i
B;Wow,i 8).....(never/see) a touchscreen phone  before.Can you download videos?
A;Yes,i 9).....(just/download) Rihannas new video.
B;Is it good?I  10)....(not/see) it yet.
A;I like it,but then again,i love all her music!
B;Well,i have to run.Ive got my  IT class in a few minutes.
A;OK.See you soon!


Ответ дал: Espresso
A;Hi Jenny.i 1)HAVEN'T SEEN you for ages!
B;Hi Alice!i know.i 2).HAVE BEEN really busy lately.How are you?
A;Im great.it3)WAS my birthday last week.
B;Oh no.i 4)FORGOT  to call you,im so sorry.
A;Thats OK.
B;Did you do anything special?
A;Yes.I 5)WENT to the cinema with friends and my parents 6)GAVE me an amazing new phone.
B;Really,can i see it?
A:Yeah,here it is.its the best phone i
B;Wow,i 8)HAVE NEVER SEEN a touchscreen phone before.Can you download videos?
A;Yes,i 9).HAVE JUST DOWNLOADED Rihannas new video.
B;Is it good?I 10) HAVEN'T SEEN it yet.
A;I like it,but then again,i love all her music!
B;Well,i have to run.Ive got my IT class in a few minutes.
A;OK.See you soon!
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