помогите написать по 5 предложений на "countable & uncountable nouns". пожалуйста!


Ответ дал: Angie16

Bob has a car and a bike.

I eat an apple every day.

Some dogs can be dangerous.

I was reading a book.

We havent got enough cups.


There is too much noise.

I need some paper.

She has got long hair.

I havent got time.

That is good advice.

Ответ дал: Ollichka

1) There are two plates on the table.

2) There are five books in her bag.

3) There are many different toys in that shop.

4) My brother has many friends.

5) I saw many beautiful flowers in the garden.


1) I don't need too much time to think about it.

2) We don't have much sugar left.

3) Bring me some water, please.

4) Would you like some tea or coffee?

5) He gained too much weight last year.

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