Составте предложение (вопросы) из слов
1.teacher/ school / teach/ students
2. greengrocer / greengrocers/ sell fruit and vegetables
3. postman / post office / take letters to peoples houses 
4. waiter / cafe / serve people

1.ofen / do / play / socceer ? / How / you

katyaromanova124: 1. Teacher at school teaches students.

2.Greengrocer at greengrocer's sells fruits and vegetables.

3.Postman take letters from post office to people's houses.

4.Waiter in the cafe serves people.


Ответ дал: Mcfisher
1 Teachers teach school students
2 Greengrocer and greengrocers sell fruit and vegetables 
3 Postmen take letters to peoples' houses from post office
4 Waiters serve people at cafe

1 How do you often play soccer?
Ответ дал: Аноним
1/ Teacher teaches school students.
2/ Greengrocer sells fruit and vegetables in greengrocers. 
3/ Postman takes letters from the post office to peoples' houses.
4/ Waiter serves people at cafe.
1/ How often do you play soccer?
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