Выберите правильный ответ.Would you mind…. the door?a) to open             b) open            c) opening
2. The film is worth…a) see     b) to see            c) seeing
3. Could you stop ......to the walkman?a) listening        b) to listen            c) listened
4. He would like…….his chance.a) to try            b) trying         c) try
5. Have you finish……...your room?a) to clean        b)cleaned            c) cleaning


Ответ дал: Аноним
Would you mind opening the door?
The film is worth seeing.
Could you stop listening to the walkman?
He would like to try his chance.
Have you finished cleaing you room?
Ответ дал: Mcfisher
1 с
2 с
3 a
4 a
5 c..........................
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