Поставить глаголы в нужном времени:
1) They be going to not take part in the competition.
2) I often write letters to my friends.
3)Our students take partin the competition the day after tomorrow.
4) It be my grandmother's birthday yesterday.
5) The girl already phone the hospital.
6) We be out of luck yesterday and lose the game.
7) Paul take part in the swimming competition next Sunday.
8) Where is Steve? - He is in the room. He sleep.
9) You take part in the game recently?
10) He always help his niece with her homework.


Ответ дал: Polichka2014
1) They are not going to take part in the competition.
2) I often write letters to my friends.
3) Our students will take part in the competition the day after tomorrow.
4) It was my grandmother's birthday yesterday.
5) The girl has already phoned the hospital.
6) We were out of luck yesterday and lost the game
7) Paul will take part in the swimming competition next Sunday.
8) Where is Steve? - He is in the room. He is sleeping.
9) Have you taken part in the game
10) He always helps his niece with her homework

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