Поставить глаголы в скобках в нужную форму и перевести.

1.A bad beginning (make) a bad ending.
2. Men (make) houses, women (make) homes.
3. Usually the train (leave) at 10 o'clock.
4. He (visit) them regularly last year.
5. As a rule I (get) to the Academy by bus.
6. Your children usually (ask) many questions.
7. The next ten years our life (become) more comforable.
8. Practice (make) perfect.
9. James (sleep) well and (wake) at half past nine that day.
10. Who (take) his book yesterday?
11. Peter and Ann (go) away 5 minutes ago.
12. My aunt (travel) all round the world and (bring) recipes and ingredents from the many countries she (visit).
13. He (sell) all of the books half an hour ago.
14. "When Tom (arrive)?" - "He (arrive) at two o'clock tomorrow".
15. I already (tell) you the answer yesterday.
16. We always (leave) home at seven and (get) here at twelve.


Ответ дал: emmanuela
Плохое начало делает плохую концовку
мужчины делаю здания, женщины делают дома

morfeus941: А дальше?)
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