Помогите, пожалуйста:
. Fill in the gaps with any appropriate word. You should use only one word
for a gap.

                    evoke    martial
     advance   relaxed,     
 identity       folk        punctual

1 — What nation do you think
is the most (1)______?

I don't know. Germans, I believe, do everything on time, and they tend to plan
everything in (2)______. A German
friend once told me that careful planning is a part of their national (3)____

2 — I've bought a CD with a
computer game. I think Julian will be glad to have it as a birthday present.

— I'm not sure. He does (4)_____ arts very seriously, and
prefers physical exercise .

3. — Some people believe that (5)______  music is
old-fashioned, and the younger generation don't need it.

    —Unlike classical or folk
music, pop songs don't make people think and don't (6)______ any strong feelings. The lyrics are silly and impersonal
and are aimed at teenagers.

жеже: слов 8, а пробелов 6, допишите задание


Ответ дал: Werrina
1 — What nation do you think is the most (1) punctual?
— I don't know. Germans, I believe, do everything on time, and they tend to plan everything in (2) advance. A German friend once told me that careful planning is a part of their national (3) identity.

2 — I've bought a CD with a computer game. I think Julian will be glad to have it as a birthday present.
— I'm not sure. He does (4) martial arts very seriously, and prefers physical exercise .

3. — Some people believe that (5) folk music is old-fashioned, and the younger generation don't need it.
— Unlike classical or folk music, pop songs don't make people think and don't (6) evoke any strong feelings. The lyrics are silly and impersonal and are aimed at teenagers.

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