1. If anyone __ me some money as a present I __ it on clothes as I love being in style. a) give b) gave c) would give / d) spent e) spend f) would spend
1. I __ never __ these high-heeled shoes if I __ new footwear. They are
horrible. a) bought b) would buy c) buy / d) would need e)
need f) needed
2. If my pen friend __ to my place I __ him to buy Matryoshka as a
souvenir from Russia. a) come b)came c) would come /
d)advise e) ad-vised f) would advise
1. My mother __ if I __ an excellent mark in maths. a) was glad b) would be glad c) be glad\ d) get e) would get f) got
2. If I __in Scotland I __a Scottish woolen cap with bobble on top.a) was b) would be c) were / d) buy e) would buy f) bought
2. My mum __ a souvenir “Big Ben” if she __ in London. a) buy b) bought c)would buy/ d) was e) were f) would be
1. My brother __ brogues if my dad __to make a present for him. a) wore b) wear c)would wear / d) chose e)would choose f) choose


Ответ дал: жеже
gave, would spend
would buy, needed
came, would advise
would be glad, got
was, would be
would bought, was
would wear, chose

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