Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box. use the Present Perfect Continuous.
1. It______ all day.
2. My sister______ French since she left school.
3. jon_____ tennis professionally for two years.
4. I m so tired because I_______ the house all day.
5. Look at that man. He_____ There for half an hour.
6. She____ non-stop since she got his letter.
7. They____ since morning.
  Слова которые нужно вставить:Play. Tidy. Snow. Cry. Stady. Stend. Sunbathe.


Ответ дал: Werrina
1. It has been snowing all day.
2. My sister has been  studying French since she left school.
3. jon has been playing tennis professionally for two years.
4. I m so tired because I have been tidying the house all day.
5. Look at that man. He has been standing there for half an hour.
6. She has been crying non-stop since she got his letter.

7. They have been sunbathing since morning.

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