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Аноним: так напиши в переводчике само задание и переведи


Ответ дал: Espresso
1 She visits Italy every year.
Does she visit Italy every year? 
She doesn't visit Italy every year. 

2 The teenagers are sitting round the fire near the pond now.
Are the teenagers sitting round the fire near the pond now?
The teenagers aren't sitting round the fire near the pond now

3 Phillip usually bathes in the lake several times a day.
Does Ph usually bathe in the lake several times a day?
Ph doesn't usually bathe in the lake several times a day.

4 My parents and I gathered bilberries in the forest at the end of July last summer. 
Did my parents and I gather bilberries in the forest at the end of July last summer?
My parents and I didn't gather bilberries in the forest at the end of July last summer.

5 James seldom leaves Madrid for the country in May.
Does J seldom leave Madrid for the country in May
J doesn't seldom leave  Madrid for the country in May

6 They made a fire in the forest the day before yesterday. 
Did they make a fire in the forest the day before yesterday?
They didn't make a fire in the forest the day before yesterday. 

7 Martin and his wife always spend a lot of time outdoors in summer. 
Do M and his wife always spend a lot of time outdoors in summer? 
M and his wife don't always spend a lot of time outdoors in summer.


1 How much time
2 With whom
3 Where
4 Who
5 What
6 Where
7 Why 
8 How many 
9 How often


1 Fred doesn't like to take care of hens and geese in thecountry in summer.
2 We didn't go to the seaside two weeks ago.
3 They don't visit Greece twice a year. 
4 I didn't bathe in the lake ten times yesterday. 

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