Поставьте следующие яредложеиия в вопросительную и отрица тельную формы.

1. Не translates very many letters into English. 2. The teacher gives us a lot of homework. 3. Your friends read a lot. 4. She gets a lot of telegrams every day. 5. They work too much.


Ответ дал: gagaaguilerovna
Не doesn't translate very many letters into English
does he 
translate very many letters into English
The teacher doesn't  give us a lot of homework
does the teacher give us a lot of homework
Your friends don't read a lot
your friends read a lot
She doesn't get a lot of telegrams every day
does she get a lot of telegrams every day
They don't work too much
do they work too much

zazazaza456: Спасибо большое!!!
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