Раскройте скобки,
употребляя правильную форму герундия или инфинитива. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык.

 1. It's much
better (go) to a hairdresser than (try) (save) time by (cut) your own hair.

2. I'd rather (earn) my living by (scrub) floors than
(make) money by (blackmail) people.

 3. I always
remember (turn) off all the lights before I leave my house.

 4. I'll never
forget (carry) my wife over the threshold when we moved into our first house.

 5. I regret (listen,
not) to my father's advice. He was right.

6. We went for a walk after we finished (clean) up the

7. Sometimes students avoid (look) at the teacher if
they don't want (answer) a question.

8. The club members discussed (postpone) the next
meeting until March.

9. Did Carol agree (go) (camp) with you?

10. The taxi driver refuse (take) a check. He wanted
the passenger (pay) in cash. 


Ответ дал: NastyaStorm
1. To go, to try saving, cutting
2. Earn, scrubbing, make, blackmailing
3. To turn
4. Carrying
5. Not listening
6. Cleaning
7. Looking, to answer
8. Postponing
9. To go camping
10. To take, to pay
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