раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужном времени лице и числе, переведите предложения на русс.яз:

1. Listen! Somebody (to sing).
2. It (to rain) a lot in winter.
3. I ( to buy) a newspaper every day, but sometimes I (not/read) it.
4. Look! Somebody (to break) that window.
5. He ( to buy) a new car.
6. Last year she ( to be) 22, so she (to be) 23 now.
7. There ( be) some big trees in the garden.
8. There (be) 11 players in a football team.
9. I ( to think) Kelly (to pass) the exam.


Ответ дал: fidanhuseynli46
1. Listen! Somebody is singing
2.it is raining a lot in winter
3.i buy a newspaper everyday,but sometimes I don't read it
4.look! Somebody broke that window!
5.he bought a new car
6.last year she was 22,so she is 23 now
7.there are some big trees in the garden
8.there are 11 players in a football team
9.i think Kelly passed the exam
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