Очень прошу помочь с заданием по английскому!
1) напишите предложения в Present Perfect. Поставьте их в вопросительную и отрицательную формы:
He already (do) his homework
They never (go) to the theatre
I (get) the grant this year
2)Present Perfect или Past Indefinite?
Ann already (buy) a new camera
We ever (study) well
Our family (go) to the country last weekend


Ответ дал: Espresso
He has already done his homework
Has he already done his homework?
He hasn't done his homework yet. 

They have never been to the theatre
Have they ever been to the theatre?
They have never been to the theatre.

I have got the grant this year.
Have you got a grant this year?
I haven't got a grant this year. 

Ann has already (слово-маркер) bought a new camera - Present Perfect
We have Never studied well / Have we ever studied well? - Present Perfect
Our family went  to the country last weekend  - Past Simple 

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