Present Perfect or Past Simple
1. She (to be) to all the capital cities of Europe this year. 
2. John (to travel) around Europe last year. 
3. You ever (to live) in a foreign country? 
4. My friend knows a lot because he (to read) a lot. 
5. I (not to decide) where to go tonight. 
6. She is free now. She (to pass) her final exam.


Ответ дал: Werrina
1. She (has been) to all the capital cities of Europe this year.
2. John (travelled) around Europe last year.
3. (Have you ever lived) in a foreign country?
4. My friend knows a lot because he (has read) a lot.
5. I (haven't decided) where to go tonight.
6. She is free now. She (has passed) her final exam.

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