Помогите пожалуйста вставить пропущенные слова?
1. Mr. Brown...a lot of interesting projects this month.
a. presenting b. have presented c. presented d. has presented
2. Where...you live?
a. is b. be c. does d. do
3. ...you in the bank last week?
a. Were b. Was c. Is d. Have
4. What...is it today?
a. good b. times c. date d. do
5.The contracts were discussed...yesterday.
a. into detailing b. for details c. in detail d. details
6.The meeting...be over in 30 minutes.
a. been b. will c. has d.are
7.They are ... with orders.
a. navy b. heavy c. naive d. hello
8. They ... in the office.
a. working b. to work c. work d.works
9. Is there...mail on the desk?
a. a much b. much c. a few d. few


Ответ дал: Laniosia
1с, 2d. 3a, 4c, 5b, 6b, 7a, 8 are working, 9c.
Ответ дал: gagaaguilerovna
d d a c c b a c c
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