Fill in the
blank using the appropriate tense

Jackson is a Jamaican who 1)..... (live) in Manchester. He 2)..... (leave) his
home in Kingstone when he was eighteen years old. He 3) ….. (work) in a bar
there for four years when he 4) ….. (decide) to go to England to look for a
better job. So he 5) ….. (buy) a one-way boat ticket to Liverpool. While he 6)
….. (sunbathe) on the deck he 7) …..(meet) an English woman called Kate who 8)
….. (be) on holiday in Jamaica. «You must come and visit me in Manchester,» she
9)..... (say). “I 10) ….. (introduce) you to my brother. He's a footballer.”
“Who 11) ….. (he/play) for?” 12)   …..
(ask) Milton. “Manchester United. He 13) ….. (play) for them for two years
now.”  Milton was very excited. He 14)
….. (play) football since he was a young boy. As soon as they 15) ….. (arrive)
in England, Milton 16) ….. (go) to Manchester with his new friend and met her
brother who 17) ….. (introduce) him to the team manager . Now, he 18) …..
(play) for Manchester United every week and at the moment he 19) ….. (have) the
time of his life. He 20) ….. (already/travel) all over Europe and he 21) …..
(make) lots of friends. He 22) ….. (own) a big house in Cheshire and 23) …..
(drive) a Porsche. What about Kate? Well, 
she and Milton 24) ….. (get) married sometime next August.


Ответ дал: polinakrutikovа
1) The building is located next to the school hairdresser

2) Mark the student whose sister is studying at university

3) I went to the village where he spent his childhood

4) I do not read books in which the happy ending

5) It was a time when man was hunting , and a woman raising children

Ответ дал: tyvvqqqer
1-lives, 2-left,3-had been working, 4-decided, 5-bought, 6-sunbathing, 7-met, 8-had been, 9-said, 10- will introduce, 11- who is he playing for? 12-asked, 13-has been playing, 14-had been playing, 15-arrived, 16-went, 17- introduced, 18-plays, 19-is having, 20-has already travelled, 21-has made, 22-owns, 23-drives, 24-will get.
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